"By the Water's Edge" Photo Gallery
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"Beached Kayak" Atlantic Coast, France. 2010."Regatta" Sausalito, California. SF Bay. 2011"Sailboat" Charente Estuary,; Charente-Maritime, France. 2010."Boey 84" 2010. Atlantic Coast, France. "Beachgoers." 2010. France."Where the Land Meets the Sea" Atlantic Coast, France. 2010."Sails Ahoy". Foster City Lagooon.  Foster City. CA. 2008."Sailboat 2" Foster City Lagoon, Foster City, CA. 2009"Seastar Love" aka "Purple Stars." Pacific Coast (San Francisco Bay) 2010."Delta Sunset." Potato Slough, California Delta (Sacramento). July, 2014. No filter applied; this is the natural appearance of the sunset at this time of year. "Informal Race" Charente Estuary, France. 2010.